Presenting — An online exhibition
Symbiosis II: The Mentoring Journey
23 SEP 2022 - 2 OCT 2022
The participants from The Art of Letters mentoring initiative have attained a certain level of skill through years of diligence and hard work. Now in a fresh learning environment, they have pushed boundaries to see creative breakthroughs and create works of art. Led by Gemma Black, Heather Held and Yukimi Annand, eight participating artists from different parts of the world have come together to showcase a body of works for Symbiosis: The Mentoring Journey, including Bernice van Overbeek, Tan Su Sian, Mabel Khi, Rachel Koh, Nathalie Mora, Bakhyt Kadyrova, Qiana Liao, Nina Tran.
Gemma Black’s group pushed personal boundaries and crushed challenges to produce innovative works never attempted before.
Heather Held’s group produced stunning works of calligraphy art by deriving inspiration from nature and deeply personal history.
Yukimi Annand’s group worked with the theme “Wearable Calligraphy - Calligraphic Textures” and created highly desirable items of clothing and accessories.
Pushing boundaries: Innovative calligraphy
Led by Gemma Black, showcasing works by Bernice van Overbeek and Tan Su Sian.
Calligraphy Art: Inspirations from nature
Led by Heather Held, showcasing works by Mabel Khi, Rachel Koh and Nathalie Mora.
HEATHER HELD | The Galloper
HEATHER HELD | B is For Bluebirds
HEATHER HELD | Observer Owl
HEATHER HELD | Fairy Tale Page
MABEL KHI | Summer is Tomorrow
RACHEL KOH | Opalescent I
RACHEL KOH | Opalescent III
RACHEL KOH | Opalescent II
NATHALIE MORA | The hummingbird exploration
NATHALIE MORA | We're better together
Wearable Calligraphy - Calligraphic Textures
Led by Yukimi Annand, showcasing works by Bakhyt Kadyrova, Qiana Liao and Nina Tran.
YUKIMI ANNAND | “Imagine” Textile Pattern
YUKIMI ANNAND | “Imagine” Burgundy Dress
YUKIMI ANNAND | “Imagine” Hand Drawn Fabric Dress
YUKIMI ANNAND | Printed Products - Bandana/Tenugui/Apron
YUKIMI ANNAND | An Ice Texture for Golf Wear
BAKHYT KADYROVA | Stamping linocut forms
BAKHYT KADYROVA | Blouse: focus on outlines
BAKHYT KADYROVA | Tote bag: flat brush strokes pattern
BAKHYT KADYROVA | Shirt: combination of texture and form
BAKHYT KADYROVA | Brooches (Various designs)
BAKHYT KADYROVA | Hot dishes mats (Various designs)
BAKHYT KADYROVA | Tote bags (Various designs)
QIANA LIAO | “Landscape” Short Caftan
QIANA LIAO | A Trail of Fallen Leaves
QIANA LIAO | Accordion Fan
QIANA LIAO | “Downs” Jewelry Collection
QIANA LIAO | Silk Hair Band
QIANA LIAO | Square Silk Scarfs
NINA TRAN | “Create” Dangling Wood Earrings
NINA TRAN | “Love” Earrings
NINA TRAN | Assorted Canvas Tote Bags
NINA TRAN | “Nullius In Verba” Scarves
NINA TRAN | Calligraphic Texture T-Shirt Mock-Ups
Wish to learn more about Symbiosis II mentoring initiative and our weekend events?
In conjunction with the exhibition, we will also host workshops, demos, write-togethers and meet-the-mentors and meet-the-artists sessions.
The sharing of the mentoring and learning journeys will enrich our community and hopefully inspire other collaborative learning relationships.