ARTIST | Dashaen (Rajan Kumar Singh)
BASED IN | India
TITLE | Growth
SIZE | 304 mm x 304 mm
The painting explores personal growth through layers of dense overlapping marks with the word "grow" beneath the layers of writing, emphasizing the idea of growth being sometimes obscured or difficult to see through the chaos of life.
MEDIUM | Mixed media, including ink on canvas, gesso, paste-up paper, and pen writing
PRICE | Not for sale.
ARTIST | Dashaen (Rajan Kumar Singh)
BASED IN | India
TITLE | Growth
SIZE | 304 mm x 304 mm
The painting explores personal growth through layers of dense overlapping marks with the word "grow" beneath the layers of writing, emphasizing the idea of growth being sometimes obscured or difficult to see through the chaos of life.
MEDIUM | Mixed media, including ink on canvas, gesso, paste-up paper, and pen writing
PRICE | Not for sale.
ARTIST | Dashaen (Rajan Kumar Singh)
BASED IN | India
TITLE | Growth
SIZE | 304 mm x 304 mm
The painting explores personal growth through layers of dense overlapping marks with the word "grow" beneath the layers of writing, emphasizing the idea of growth being sometimes obscured or difficult to see through the chaos of life.
MEDIUM | Mixed media, including ink on canvas, gesso, paste-up paper, and pen writing
PRICE | Not for sale.
About the artist

Dashaen (Rajan Kumar Singh)
Rajan Kumar Singh, aka Dashaen, is a calligrapher from Haryana, India. Several years ago, he started learning calligraphy through online zoom classes, especially with Christopher Haanes, whose work greatly influenced his style. Rajan has also been mentored by New York calligrapher Barry Morentz for the past few years. Rajan's key interests lie in formal calligraphy and type design. Currently, he’s studying type design at TypeWest 2024 by the LetterformArchive. Outside of lettering, Rajan enjoys hip-hop music and anime, both of which inspire him.