ANDREA WUNDERLICH | Erinnerung (memory)
ARTIST | Andrea Wunderlich
BASED IN | Goldkronach, Germany
TITLE | Erinnerung (memory) - book-art piece
SIZE | 365 mm x 236 mm
"Memory is the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled." Jean Paul (1763 - 1825) For me, this is a modern book of hours. Very short text that can be meditated over step-by-step, page-by-page. Inviting the beholder to think and meditate, rather more about single words & their personal meaning for him/her.
MEDIUM | Mixed paper qualities, Dr. Martin´s bleedproof white
PRICE | USD850 (Contact us)
ARTIST | Andrea Wunderlich
BASED IN | Goldkronach, Germany
TITLE | Erinnerung (memory) - book-art piece
SIZE | 365 mm x 236 mm
"Memory is the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled." Jean Paul (1763 - 1825) For me, this is a modern book of hours. Very short text that can be meditated over step-by-step, page-by-page. Inviting the beholder to think and meditate, rather more about single words & their personal meaning for him/her.
MEDIUM | Mixed paper qualities, Dr. Martin´s bleedproof white
PRICE | USD850 (Contact us)
ARTIST | Andrea Wunderlich
BASED IN | Goldkronach, Germany
TITLE | Erinnerung (memory) - book-art piece
SIZE | 365 mm x 236 mm
"Memory is the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled." Jean Paul (1763 - 1825) For me, this is a modern book of hours. Very short text that can be meditated over step-by-step, page-by-page. Inviting the beholder to think and meditate, rather more about single words & their personal meaning for him/her.
MEDIUM | Mixed paper qualities, Dr. Martin´s bleedproof white
PRICE | USD850 (Contact us)
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About the artist

Andrea Wunderlich
A trained textile designer, Andrea started calligraphy in 1998, and became a full-time calligrapher and artist in 2003. Besides her artwork, her commissioned work shows her wide-ranging skills in sign-painting, lettering, logo-design and murals; she teaches nation- and worldwide. Her work is shown both nationally and worldwide and is part of private and public collections like the Berlin calligraphy collection, the Moscow Museum of Contemporary Calligraphy, Center of the book arts San Francisco. Andrea has a strong interest in the craft of calligraphy. She loves mastering the different tools and materials in order to use them for contemporary pieces. At the moment, she’s into developing her idea of 'Modern Illumination'.