An artist based in The Netherlands

Bernice van Overbeek

As a psychologist specialised in autism, Bernice worked in her own practice until she had to quit her daytime job in 2012 due to serious health issues. In search for a way to cope with chronic illness and pain, she became intrigued by some calligraphy work while scrolling through Instagram. She ordered a beginner calligraphy set and from that first moment, in May 2018 when she picked up a pointed pen, she instantly fell in love with this art. Starting with Copperplate, Bernice soon began trying different other scripts and tools, and a new passion was born. Calligraphy turned out to be life-changing. Being homebound, Bernice found new fulfilment in calligraphy during the day when the children were in school.

Bernice’s urge to constantly learn and grow in this art shows in the many courses she has taken, and the various scripts she has assiduously studied. When the Covid pandemic hit the world, learning from teachers all over the world became easily available, and turned out to be an amazing way to learn from home, at her own pace. Bernice soon discovered that this art is a life-long learning process!

Her first love is the pointed pen, with scripts like Copperplate, Spencerian, Engrosser’s script, Italian hand and modern script. But broad edge scripts like Blackletter, Italic, and Gothicised Italic as well as gilding and flourishing are also well-loved. Bernice is known for her structured way of studying and working which reflects her thoughtful and diligent way of approaching calligraphy and life.

Her reason for starting with calligraphy, coping with chronic pain, became even more important when Bernice was infected with Covid in April 2021. Over a year later, she continues to struggle daily with the effects of Long Covid. Taking part in the mentoring initiative turned out to be very challenging. Dealing with pain and exhaustion, creating pieces for the exhibition turned out to be very therapeutic, and gave her a direction on rough days. Thanks to the support of her mentor, Gemma Black, and fellow mentee, Su Sian, her family and friends in the calligraphy community, Bernice managed to push her limits and grow as a person and artist.

Bernice lives with her partner and three children in The Netherlands. Besides calligraphy, she loves to read, drink coffee, cook and crochet.

Follow Bernice on Instagram

Some exhibited works